Man, 18, Arrested in Connection with Cabrillo High School Hate Crimes, Vandalism | Local News -

2022-10-22 20:25:16 By : Mr. David Hu

Saturday, October 22 , 2022, 5:25 am | Mostly Cloudy with Haze 63º

An 18-year-old Lompoc man has been arrested in connection with vandalism and hate crimes at Cabrillo High School earlier this week, Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Raquel Zick said.

The Sheriff’s Office began investigating the crimes on Tuesday, after receiving an early-morning call from the campus.

The incident included racial slurs painted on walls and on windows. A Black swimmer's legs were painted white on a campus mural, while graphic images and profane messages were found around the campus.

Paint was poured on walls, windows and exterior dining tables.

Additionally, bags of cement were placed in front of classroom doors in an attempt to prevent the doors from opening, and windows were broken, according to school district and Sheriff’s Office representatives.

On Friday afternoon, deputies arrested 18-year-old Martin Perez on suspicion of commission of a hate crime, vandalism, conspiracy, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Zick said.

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It’s not clear what ties, if any, Perez has to the Cabrillo High campus. 

“What occurred at Cabrillo High School wasn’t a prank,” Sheriff Bill Brown said. “It was a premeditated and despicable hate crime that shocked the conscious of the school and our entire community.

“With support from our Criminal Investigation Division, School Resource Deputy Dennis Thomas swiftly and skillfully investigated the crime and has made this initial arrest. Let this send a strong message to the others who were involved in this hateful and destructive crime that they will be brought to justice. Santa Barbara County is no place for hate.”

Perez was set to be booked into the Santa Barbara County Jail. His bail amount wasn't immediately available.

The investigation remains ongoing, Zick said, adding that the Sheriff's Office would provide updates if additional arrests are made.

Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact SRD Thomas by email at [email protected] or at 805.683.2724. Anonymous information can be provided by calling the tip line at 805.681.4171 or online at

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