Cementir Group Launches AALBORG INBIND™ in Europe

2022-10-22 19:49:08 By : Mr. Longtime LT

Cementir Group has launched a new binder product for high-performance mortar and concrete applications in Europe, AALBORG INBIND™, which is a sustainable premixed white cementitious product, based on FUTURECEM® patented technology, within InWhite® Solutions.

“We are proud to accelerate Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) technology utilisation by launching a new binder solution, INBIND™, which is the valuable complement to our existing range. The scaling-up on UHPC technology depends mainly on the stable supply of SCM materials Besides, the specific needs of local projects have led precasters to look for their own UHPC by using local aggregates and chemical admixtures. UHPC development is, indeed, complex, time-consuming with a high trial-and-error cost, requiring large amount of SCM materials that are often in short supply. INBIND™ is set to meet the market needs by providing flexible and user-friendly binder solution optimising costs by leveraging on local available materials,” stated Michele Di Marino, group chief sales, marketing and commercial development officer.

INBIND empowers precasters to have a sustainable quality product supply thanks to FUTURECEM patented technology which relies on limestone and calcined clays main constituents, without being constrained by the availability and quality of by-products from other industries, ie mainly slag and fly ashes. 

INBIND is a reliable binder solution for UHPC thanks to its predictable performance with fully documented properties, claims Cementir. It is an efficient support for precast producers to easily formulate their desired UHPC and quickly catch the project opportunities, optimising costs. 

"As part of our fast-prototyping and pre-launch phases, INBIND™ has been tested by selected customers. With the support of our technical team in co-designing mixes a compressive strength at 165MPa has been achieved. Key steps in the co-designing were optimising aggregates packing, fixing the water to binder ratio at 0.25MPa and adjusting the superplasticizer dosage to get a self-levelling material," according to the company.

“ We are also excited about our next phase of innovation as our UHPC bridge overlay product AALBORG RECOVER™ has been in the trial phase and will be available for the infrastructure applications by end of 2022,” added Mr Di Marino.

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